SkillsUSA Districts

What is SkillsUSA?

Representing nearly 400,000 career and technical education students and teachers, SkillsUSA chapters thrive in middle schools, high schools and college/postsecondary institutions nationwide. Their mission is accomplished through the SkillsUSA Framework of Personal Skills, Workplace Skills and Technical Skills Grounded in Academics, which is integrated into classroom curriculum.

Through the Framework, SkillsUSA students hone their hands-on skills against current industry standards in more than 130 occupational areas, from 3-D Animation to Welding and nearly everything in between. At the same time, they develop the transformative career-readiness skills — teamwork, communication, professionalism, leadership and more — that fuel career and life success.

What is a competition event like?

District and State level competitions are like a bustling hive of talented students and industry professionals, abuzz with energy, creativity, and a shared passion for excellence. Students participate in local and/or regional events to qualify to attend their state conferences, and those winners move on to the national level at SkillsUSA Championships.