Class Resources

Modern Automotive Technology
by James E. Duffy
ISBN 978-1-61960-370-7

The text details the construction, operation, diagnosis, service, and repair of late-model automobiles and light trucks. This comprehensive textbook uses a building-block approach that starts with the fundamental principles of system operation and progresses gradually to complex diagnostic and service procedures. Short sentences, concise definitions, and thousands of color illustrations help students learn quickly and easily. The new edition of Modern Automotive Technology provides coverage of the latest developments in the automotive field and is correlated to the 2012 NATEF Task List. A new Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics section provides students with the background needed to troubleshoot and repair the complex electrical/electronic systems found on today’s vehicles. Updated information on hybrid drive systems has been integrated throughout the textbook, and a new hybrid drive system service chapter details the diagnosis and repair of these important systems.

Organized around the ASE automobile test areas, Modern Automotive Technology is a valuable resource for students preparing for a career in automotive technology, as well as experienced technicians preparing for the ASE certification tests.

  • Contains six new chapters on electricity and electronics.

  • Covers 100% of the tasks on the 2012 NATEF Task List.

  • Includes ASE-type questions in every chapter.

  • Troubleshooting charts in each service chapter help students quickly diagnose problems.

Color is used throughout the text to enhance understanding and highlight important information.